CaMaRose - Organic Summer Wool

65 kr

Color: 2001 Raw white
Økologisk Sommeruld (Organic Summer Wool) is processed and spun, exclusively for CaMaRose, of 100% organic merino and cotton fibers, at an European manufacturer, who produces with consideration for environment, animal welfare, health, working conditions, sustainability, and quality.

The 100% organic and new fibers are spun to a classic 3-threaded off-white basic yarn. Subsequently, the yarn is coloured with STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® approved colours for the solid, unique colours made specially for CaMaRose.

The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certification of Økologisk Sommeruld is your guarantee, that the yarn is produced under sustainable conditions and is tested and free for more than 300 substances harmful to the environment and health. STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is the world’s leading certification within textiles, and the demands go far beyond the current standard rules in both Denmark and EU. You can find the certificate on the label and read more about STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® on

Økologisk Sommeruld is a classic 3-threaded mixed yarn, consisting of 70% organic merino wool and 30% organic cotton. Økologisk Sommeruld has a length on 230 meters per 50 grams. The recommended gauge is 26-28 sts x 40 rows and the recommended needle size is 2.5 – 3.5 mm.

Økologisk Sommeruld’s blend of merino wool and cotton gives a lightness and softness, that is particularly suitable for baby and children’s clothes. The combination of merino wool and cotton provides a delicate alternative to 100% wool and can be used for summer tops, t-shirts and blouses, without getting too warm, but often warm enough for the often cool Nordic summers.

Økologisk Sommeruld in the basic colour Råhvid 2001 (off-white), is a basic yarn suitable for plant dyeing or other dyeing, where you want an organic yarn as base. Økologisk Sommeruld absorbs colours beautiful and even and is easy to handle in the colour pot after being wound to skeins and is hardy in the colouring process.

The colour card of Økologisk Sommeruld is designed considering to the possibility to combine neutral, constrasting or similar hues, as well as mottle by knitting with two strands. The colour card is regularly extended in line with current trends, so it is always updated and inspiring for individual colour combinations.

Økologisk Sommeruld is suitable for crocheting and provides a good dimensional stability because of its content of cotton, and does not get heavy when crocheting or knitting bigger blankets, because of its content of 70% wool.

With Økologisk Sommeruld, you get all the benefits from the natural fibers combined with high quality, organics, environment, animal welfare, sustainability, and last but not least, great pleasure handling the yarn in the working process in many good hours of knitting, crocheting and embroidering.

Om färgåtergivelse

Vi gör alltid vårt yttersta för att produktbilderna ska återge färgerna korrekt. Skärmar visar dock färger olika, några kan visa dem djupare och starkare medan andra ljusare. Vi kan därför inte garantera att bilderna visar garnets exakta färg. Du kan alltid mejla oss på om du vill se fler bilder.

Tvätta och vårda

Garnproducenten skriver att detta garn kan tvättas i maskin på ullprogram med ulltvättmedel. Observera att det endast är så om du stickar i garnet ensamt, stickar du tillsammans med andra garnkvaliteter rekommenderar vi på Lilla garnbutiken att du tvättar för hand.

Du kan självfallet tvätta detta plagg för hand, vi rekommenderar då att du tvättar med ulltvättmedel, exempelvis Eucalan. Låt plagget ligga i en balja med ca 4 liter vatten tillsammans med en tesked ulltvättmedel. Krama sedan försiktigt ut vattnet och lägg plagget på en handduk. Rulla handduken med plagget och pressa ut vattnet.

Har du en tvättmaskin som kan köra ett program med endast centrifugering kan du använda detta istället för att pressa ut vattnet i en handduk. Om du är osäker på din tvättmaskin rekommenderar vi att du stickar en provlapp som du tvättar och centrifugerar för att se hur garnet och tyget beter sig.

Låt plagget torka plant, gärna på en handduk. Plagget ska inte torkas i direkt sol, det kan utan problem vara i sol när det är torrt.