Kremke - Morning Salutation Vegan

55 kr

Morning Salutation Vegan is the best of Greek cotton and Tencel, a viscose fiber produced from forest raw materials from forests that are certified and controlled. Morning salutation is a cool yarn that is perfect for babies, children and adults. The yarn has a nice sheen and together with the yarn's structure and color range, there is something for every taste. Morning salutation is a yarn with a heavy fall and large garments may stretch.

  • Material: 51% tencel, 49% cotton
  • Weight/meter: 50 g = 110 m
  • Guiding needles: 3-4 mm
  • Stitch strength: 20 m = 10 cm

Tencel is known for its closed production where 99% of the water is reused. PETA calls Tencel an "environmentally friendly all purpose fiber".

Om färgåtergivelse

Vi gör alltid vårt yttersta för att produktbilderna ska återge färgerna korrekt. Skärmar visar dock färger olika, några kan visa dem djupare och starkare medan andra ljusare. Vi kan därför inte garantera att bilderna visar garnets exakta färg. Du kan alltid mejla oss på om du vill se fler bilder.

Tvätta och vårda

Färdiga plagg kan tvättas i maskin på ett fintvättsprogram. Max 30 grader och låga varvtal. Tvättas separat.

Låt plagget torka plant, gärna på en handduk. Plagget ska inte torkas i direkt sol, det kan utan problem vara i sol när det är torrt.

Lilla garnbutiken

Kremke - Morning Salutation Vegan

55 kr

Morning Salutation Vegan is the best of Greek cotton and Tencel, a viscose fiber produced from forest raw materials from forests that are certified and controlled. Morning salutation is a cool yarn that is perfect for babies, children and adults. The yarn has a nice sheen and together with the yarn's structure and color range, there is something for every taste. Morning salutation is a yarn with a heavy fall and large garments may stretch.

  • Material: 51% tencel, 49% cotton
  • Weight/meter: 50 g = 110 m
  • Guiding needles: 3-4 mm
  • Stitch strength: 20 m = 10 cm

Tencel is known for its closed production where 99% of the water is reused. PETA calls Tencel an "environmentally friendly all purpose fiber".


  • 01 White
  • 02 Eggshell
  • 04 Light pink
  • 05 Pink
  • 06 Berries
  • 09 Jade
  • 10 Aquamarine
  • 11 Lemon
  • 14 Moss
  • 15 Light grey
  • 16 Steel grey
  • 17 Light blue
  • 18 Indigo
  • 20 Black
  • 23 Orange sorbet
  • 25 Cherries
  • 26 Glacier
  • 28 Fog
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