Knit braids by Ivar Asplund

299 kr

Knitting braids is actually very simple, but the result is anything but banal. The only thing you need is a small extra needle, a braiding needle, with the help of which you let some stitches change places with each other. That's all! This simple technique gives rise to an almost infinite number of pattern possibilities - and it's also so much fun.

Braiding produces slightly sturdier, thicker and warmer garments, which you can enjoy for decades with a bit of luck. There are descriptions of everything here: sweaters and cardigans, neck warmers, pulse warmers, slipovers, shawls, scarves and hats. Mostly women's clothing, but also men's and children's clothing. Sometimes the braid can be included as a simple, but stylish, detail on a garment, and sometimes the entire knitting is dotted with beautiful variations on braid patterns. Knitting braids contains 18 descriptions for you who know the basics of knitting, or are a fairly experienced knitter.

The book also contains a braiding school with educational step-by-step pictures that explain the principles behind braiding and how to experiment with different patterns to achieve different effects. We also learn how the choice of yarn and fibres, stitch size and yarn colors affect the finished result.

Ivar Asplund is a well-known knitting designer and a valued teacher and course leader in knitting. With his particularly good eye for carefully thought-out design, he has gathered here descriptions with sharp details, smart solutions and stylish finishes. Sometimes it's the little details that make all the difference!

To make it easier for all knitters, the book is richly illustrated with pictures. Beautiful pictures that make you long for new knitting. But also on details of garments, so that the stitches are clearly visible. Find your favorite in the book, settle into the armchair and enjoy watching the braids grow over the knitting needles.